Displaying 61 - 68 of 68 in total

Thomas Wadsworth - Product Management

David and Thomas discuss the relationship between product and engineering, importance of communication, and the role of company core values.

Eric Gradman - CTO, Inventor, Artist

David and Eric discuss side projects, being a generalist, and the value of adaptability and learning quickly.

Andy Burke - Fintech CTO

David and Andy Burke take a trip through FinTech, the state of the game industry, and discuss how a Junior Dev can utilize their state of mind to make an interview wor...

Ben Junya - Lead Front-End Engineer

David and Ben discuss being a creator, communication skills, and the importance of constructive disagreements.

Angus Perkerson - Senior Software Engineer at REX

David and Angus discuss career development, interviews, and contributing to a team.

Swyx - Coding Career Handbook

David and Swyx talk coding careers and junior dev expectations.

Zeno Rocha - Habits of Highly Productive Developers

David and Zeno Rocha discuss developer habits and how to improve and grow.

Spencer Allen - Veteran Tech Recruiter

David and Spencer discuss recruiting, hiring managers, and interviewing.